Over 40 teachers from Globen School participated in the back-to-school workshop on “Embracing 21st Century Learning: Reimagine Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI.” Organized by The MakersPlace and led by CEO Douglas Ayitey, the training was an essential step in equipping teachers to deal with the changing face of contemporary education with digital tools and teaching strategies. In his introductory remarks, Ayitey said “We are intentional about CPD (Continuing Professional Development) training for teachers, as their role is crucial in bridging the technology gap in the classroom,”

There is a growing demand for industry and academics to work together to develop an industry-driven curriculumm that develops graduates who are fully equipped to succeed in at the workplace giving how quickly the world is changing. In addition to serving as a facilitators, teachers plays an important roles in the process as role models, motivators, and strategist who help all students fulfill their potential and discover areas of learning weakness.

The workshop was divided into morning and afternoon sessions, each offering unique insights and hands-on learning opportunities. The morning session provided an eye-opening enlightening converation about the traits of both pupils and teachers from different generations. Participants delved into the paradigm shift in education, tracing the evolution from Education 1.0 to 4.0, and drawing parallels with the evolution of industry from 1.0 to 4.0. Teachers were able to better comprehend the need to adapt their teaching strategies in order to meet the ever-changing demands of their students.

To support this evolution, teachers were introduced to a range of modern pedagogical approaches, including flipped classrooms, project-based learning, blended learning, concept-based learning, student-centered learning, problem-based learning, experiential learning, and competency-based learning. Each of these methods was discussed in terms of how they can foster critical thinking, collaboration, and deep understanding in students. For instance, project-based learning was highlighted as a way to encourage students to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges, while competency-based learning ensures that
students master specific skills before moving on.

The afternoon session shifted focus to the practical application of these modern strategies, particularly through the use of Generative AI (GenAI) in the classroom. Teachers were trained to use AI tools to enhance both the effectiveness and efficiency of their teaching. For example, they learned how AI could assist in creating personalized learning experiences, automating routine tasks, and providing instant feedback, thereby allowing teachers to focus more on student engagement and critical thinking development. One teacher remarked, “The hands-on session with AI opened my eyes to new possibilities for tailoring lessons to individual student needs. It’s exciting to see how technology can support rather than replace the human element of teaching.”

The workshop concluded with a reflective discussion on how these new strategies and tools could be implemented at Globen School. Teachers shared their thoughts on the potential challenges and opportunities that come with integrating AI and modern pedagogies into their classrooms. As the day wrapped up, there was a shared sense of optimism and readiness to embrace these changes. “The tools and strategies we learned today have given me a fresh perspective on how to reach my students,” said one participant.

In a world where the only constant is change, The MakersPlace as an organization is taking proactive steps to ensure that its educators are not just keeping up with the times but leading the charge in reimagining what education can be.